Enrollment Process
Please contact vfs@villagefreeschool.org with specific questions!
As a school focused on relationship building and meeting people where they are, we operate a sliding scale for tuition, based on combined family income. We seek to enroll students and families that align with our values and mission and who love to be here, regardless of income, so we use this model to increase access to our program. The lower end is $1,000 for the year, and the higher end keeps tuition at about 10% of adjusted gross income for 1 student and an additional 5% for siblings. See attached table for a rough estimate of where your tuition will fall for families earning between $0 and $120,000.
Full Time Enrollment
5 days per week
3 days per week
1. Info Session
Virtual Free School 101
We ask that all families interested in learning more about VFS watch our pre-recorded Free School 101 video (COMING SPRING 2025). This recorded info session includes a brief history of our school, explanation of our philosophy and mission, insight into our Daily Life.
2. Apply
We accept applications year-round for both full-time and part-time students at all age levels. If you’ve already attended a FS101 and are ready to join our community, follow the link below to our online application.
3. Interview
Our admissions coordinator will receive and process your application.
When enrollment opens, we will reach out to schedule an interview for an in-depth conversation with your family. We will share how our philosophy translates into Daily Life in both brilliant and messy ways, as well as ask you to share more about your experiences, what you’re looking for, and how you hope VFS can fit into your larger picture of education. Prospective students are welcome for a brief time if they are comfortable, but we request this to be mostly a private meeting time for staff and caregivers.
Please note: There is an interview fee determined by a sliding scale, payable by cash, check, or card (fee waived for BIPOC families).
4. Experience Days
Following the interview, prospective students may have the opportunity to participate in Experience Days, a 2-day trial of The Village Free School. In some circumstances when we cannot offer Experience Days, we move straight into 5-weeks of Conditional Enrollment.
During experience days, your child(ren) attend VFS to get a feel for daily life. Once Experience Days are complete, VFS staff will offer feedback and ask that your family check-in about your experience. (New students who enroll over the summer for the coming school year do not complete Experience Days.)
5. Conditional Enrollment
If staff and your family are excited to move forward following Experience Days/Interview, VFS offers five weeks of Conditional Enrollment. Families pay one month of tuition for this period.
Conditional Enrollment ends with a family conference during which staff and families process the experience of being in the fold at VFS together. If, at this point, both your family and the school feel confident that VFS is the right choice, full enrollment through the end of the school year is offered.
6. Attend
Learn, play, and grow with us.